The Democrats have put our state on a collision course with disaster. More and more people are being put out of work by their policies, which are exacerbated by the Covid-19 crisis. People are desperate for an alternative.

The Republican Party of Los Angeles County is that alternative. But to effectively fight their policies, we need to mobilize. A million registered Republicans call Los Angeles county their home. Few know we exist.

We intend to change that. Our mission is to reach out to as many registered Republicans as we can before the November election, and engage you all. We want to know what interests you. We want to let you know what events are happening in your area, what candidates you can support, and how we can get you more involved in the party.

Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey for the Republican Party of Los Angeles County (LAGOP). Our goal is to gain your thoughts and opinions in order to better serve the community.


We should have a massive operating budget! We are a dedicated crew of volunteers with a conservative values, operating on donations from Republicans like you. If every Republican in the county put in just $5, there’s no limit to what we can do. Please consider a donation – in any amount – today. You can donate at once, monthly, quarterly, or yearly.

The Republican Party of Los Angeles County is the largest county party in the nation. It’s time we’ve become the most formidable.