We are asking for your help in growing these events and making them a success for our community programs. Help raise awareness, prevention, advocacy and healing throughout Southern California. Empower all crime victims, survivors and families to survive and thrive!
Listed below are ways that you can assist:
Add event links to your website, email blast the event information, and add on facebook, twitter, instagram, linkedin and blogs. Ask your staff to sign up under your corporate, business, nonprofit, department or agency team. www.superherorunwalk.org
Sponsor the Event
Have a Vendor Booth To Register Click Here
Distribute the Individual Registration Forms
Organize a Team of Staff, Co-Workers, Friends and Family
Organize a Charity Team (earn funds for your cause )
Volunteer Opportunities
Provide Item(s) for Goody Bags (include brochure, promo items/giveaways)
Take some time to view the event web site www.superherorunwalk.org
and share this site with everyone you know.