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Valley Unity Event

Valley Unity Republican Women
 Date and Time:  Thursday, September 14, 2023, at 10:30am
Location:  Woodland Hills Country Club on Dumetz Road, Woodland Hills, 91365
Cost: $38.00 with Donated Door Prizes!
Please RSVP to Jane: (818) 225-0843 or
**Important topics and discussions planned for the new group: Bylaws, logo, financial matters, membership, and scholarship program. 

Guest Speakers
1st Guest Speaker: Janet Price, President of CFRW (Representative of new organization Golden State Republican Women)
2nd Guest Speaker: Kevin McNamee, supporter of School Choice movement in California, Children’s Opportunity Act

All guests are welcome!

We welcome all registered Republicans (men are welcome to join as Associate members)!
New Website:

New Mailing Address:
Valley Unity Republican Women
P.O. Box 313, Woodland Hills, Ca 91365

New Email Address: