What attendees learn:
Firearm safety, care, and loading
Local and state regulations, including how to obtain a Firearm Safety Certificate, qualify for a Concealed Carry Permit, and legally purchase a firearm in California
The difference between major types of ammunition and firearms
Beginner marksmanship; posture, aim, discharge
How to prepare and clean up a range
The legal nuances and responsibilities of self-defense
Upon completing your registration, you will receive a detailed confirmation email with the location of the event, and a safety form that must be filled out in advance. Phone numbers are required for registration so we can communicate important details to you by phone and text in advance of the event. You will know that you're registered when you see "Registration Complete" on your screen and when you receive the confirmation email. If you don't see that, your registration is most likely not complete. For additional questions, please contact Nathan Fatal at (978) 973-0322.